Starting at  
3:00 pm

Sharing Circle 2022

90min Sharing Circle - Let's catch up!

Starting at  
3:00 pm
Thomas Donnerbrink and Manel Heredero

Join us for this sharing circle. Its intention is not to solve a certain problem or achieve a particular goal, but to come together and enjoy each others presence and stories

and to learn what each of us is currently doing and enthusiastic about. Like this we can meet people we haven’t met yet, catch-up with those we haven’t seen for a while or reconnect with the ones that started to faint away in our memory. The foundation of each network are the personal and emotional connections. Let’s nurture them by joining this circle. Each is invited to share his and her story: Where you are, how you feel, what you currently do or want to do, what interests and excites you right now and what you wish for 2022. Maybe even new ideas and projects, collaborations and opportunities will emerge from this encounter. We already have some ideas we want to share. And for sure it will help to strengthen our connections, bonds and ties - and help to heal Ouishare where it has suffered from disconnection and separation of the last two covid years.

Sign up and prepare for a cozy and heart-warming 90 min interactive movie of virtual OS MPRL experience and love

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