Online, not on zoom
Starting at  
1:30 pm

Ouishare Fest Launch Event: not another Zoom Webinar

It's now more than official: the Ouishare Fest is back in June IN REAL LIFE We have A LOT to share with you. Come and be part of a creative online experience.

Starting at  
1:30 pm
Online, not on zoom

It's now more than official: the Ouishare Fest is back in June IN REAL LIFE

⏳ It's About Time!

We have so much things to share with you, and yet the opportunities to see each other for real are almost inexistant.

That makes us really sad.

Is this an invitation to another Zoom call? HELL NO.

We don't know if you feel the same but the Zoom fatigue is hitting hard right now.

So let's do something way more fun. If you know us, you know what we are capable of...

Stay tuned, mark your calendar, because you are going to experience an online event like no other.

Registration free but required on this form.

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